
大概有攝氏20幾度吧..有點涼涼但完全不冷耶!!超驚訝紐約到現在竟然都還沒下雪...哎呀 超想在聖誕節看到雪的拉 =(
These are photos from last week's photo shoot.  It was only 62 degrees in NYC that day; chilly, but not freezing.  I'm surprised it has not snowed yet.  Ahhhh..hopefully I can see snow on Christmas day=D  
(((我真的很怕搞丟手拿包ㄟ一直在尋覓有手環可以套住或有背帶的 哈哈)
加上它的材質是人工假毛...摸起來好順好友冬天的feeeel~haha =P
話說 雖然這件毛衣的背後有可愛的小細節 但生性保守(?!!)的我不想露太多 所以在裡面搭了件男友風大shirt =D
鞋子是在Urban Outfitter超便宜撿到的寶~超好穿也不咬腳(((( 超驚喜的拉

I was surprised to find such a cute bulky sweater at H&M!
and I finally got a leopard clutch, from BCBG!!!! 
Although it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, I like it a lot because it comes with a boootiful strap and is the perfect size. 
Plus, the texture is faux fur, which adds to the "winter feel."  

I didn't want to show too much skin on my back so I matched an oversized boyfriend shirt inside. 
The shoes are from Urban Outfitter, they are so cheap, comfy, and not irritating at all(what a surprise♥) 

大家都計畫好聖誕節了嗎?我在這邊的朋友都要跟家人團聚..我覺得好怪喔 (對美國人來說聖誕節就是family最重要的大日子阿!!!!)
想想以前在台灣 我們不就是甜蜜密的跟男友吃頓聖誕大餐 之後準備跟朋友party去嗎?哈哈是不是...=P
嗯哼...希望我可以在聖誕節完成我去溜冰和看紐約Radio City Hall著名的聖誕節show
話說 不太相信再過五天就聖誕節了耶..才剛考完一堆考試 感覺太不真實了~
哈哈哈沒錯我過去一整個月因為永無止境的期末考 就像活在地獄中..每天大概只睡3小時吧
(嗚嗚屋 F.I.T....我真的好愛你阿哈哈哈~這真是又愛又恨的複雜情節阿=P ) 

Have you made your Christmas plans yet? 
It's kinda weird for me since all my friends here are getting together w family.  Christmas is such a family orientated event here.  In the past, for us Taiwanese folk, I would just celebrate Christmas w my boyfriend...and party w friends afterwards haha:P   
Hopefully I can make it to ice-skating rink and see the Christmas show at Radio City Hall. 
I can't believe Christmas is just five days away!  It feels unreal since I just finished finals.  (Yupp..I was in hell bc finals lasted for exactly a MONTH..Awww...FIT I LOVE YOU haha) Well...this is love-hate relationship i guess =P    

Wish all of you a merry Christmas.
Stay warm and joyful♥


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