呼~妳不會相信紐約上週天氣有多好 Leah都已經迫不及待拿出春天的衣服了拉 =D
話說 Leah已經受不了紐約人的標準黑色dress code拉,這穿搭好像比較不紐約 反倒比較有L.A.的輕鬆休閒感(笑)
我個人是非常喜歡這些照片喔..因為那天拍照之前先小小的偷晒了ㄧ下太陽 整個人開心了起來(您說說 是不是相由心生??! HAHA)
所以今天多放了幾張~希望妳們也會喜歡(敢不喜歡???!) 哈哈哈♥

Hi girls, you won't believe how fabulous the weather was here in New York last week; perfect time to take out my spring clothes from my wardrobe!!!
Today's outfit is more fitting for L.A.'s laidback & casual style...I'm kinda sick of New Yorkers' dress code-BLACK!!! HAHA!!
I was in an incredibly good mood that day! I think I might have even got a tan walking outside..I personally LOVE those pics to pieces!!!!

Hopefully you will like those pics as much as I do!!!

Leah上禮拜才大呼Pastel color真的是金年最重要的流行顏色阿
繼去年的鮮艷色大流行後...今年稍微改良(?)了ㄧ下 變成比較柔和更春天的顏色系列 也就是pastel拉 =D
很喜歡在J Crew買的這件褲子...嗯哼 追求的就還是“緊”ㄧ個字哈哈哈~因為很怕穿幾次就鬆掉 所以多花了幾毛錢

雖然ㄧ直以來覺得螢光Cambridge Satchel很可愛 但那種流行性這麼強的東西要我花這麼多錢~Leah很小氣花不下去(嘆)
很幸運地在H&M撿到這咖超便宜又口愛的包包 顏色是非常口愛的pastel橘色 容量大小價錢都剛剛好真的愛死了

Pastel colors are definitely the most "in" colors this season.
I really dig this pair of JCREW pants!!  It was a lil pricey but well worth it bc I wanted to go for the "super tight" look =P
You can get cheaper ones at Forever21 or H&M tho. =)
As for my bag..Cambridge Satchel is toooo pricey for me so I opted for a much cheaper one from H&M...and I'm LOVING it!!!

                                                   (Zara shoes, Jcrew pants, H&M bag, Michael Kors watch, Urban Outfitter belt)

話說原本上衣是搭了件粉嫩薄荷綠的小毛衣但那天真的太熱了(?) 所以換成清涼的寬鬆露肩素色T囉
ㄧ定要來ㄧ件粉嫩色緊身褲或blouse~ 大家別害羞ㄧ定要嘗試看看 穿了會發現心情都好了起來喔(笑)。

I actually matched another minty green sweater in the beg that day but the weather was tooo nice to give up dressing in a summer outfit =P
I love how effortlessly chic it is, what do you think? =D
Don't be afraid to match the same or different hues this season.
The must-have items this season are definitely pastel super skinny jeans and blouses.
Add some flavor to your closet with a few key pastel pieces this Spring...YOU CAN'T GO WRONG!!!! ♥

大家快加我Facebook來跟我玩吧~Sugar Cookie by Leah(直接點)
Have a wonderful day!!!! MUAH



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