I'm sorry I've been ignoring my blog for such a long time.
My life is hectic and crazy at this moment since I have to juggle my studies with photography and blog.
Today my photoshoot was shot on the rooftop..and yes, that is Chrysler Building in the back...heheh isn't it COOL?!!!
I didn't wait on the crazy line for Marni for H&M(I heard from my classmate that some people were camping outside of the stores two days ago!!!).
Around 1:30pm that day, I went in the store to see if there were any pieces left...I was bummed that the sequin collars and pumps I wanted for were sold out.  However, I surprisingly found this leather jacket and a pair of cute shorts and pants which I took home home haha!

但我希望我可以每篇都很認真的寫,還有堅持我ㄧ開始的目標 就是中英文兩版都要寫拉=D
說真的 我沒有去排隊Marni for H&M,有這麼閒就好了拉(翻白眼)..我還聽說有人前ㄧ兩天就去外面打地鋪排隊了咧!!!
但我很驚喜的發現這件也在我購物清單裡的外套還有另件很春天顏色的短褲和花花套裝...嗯哼 我當然是火速的拿去櫃台結帳把它門帶回家哈哈

I really love this pair of H&M pants featured on the lookbook. It is very comfy and chic..and has the amazing price of only $12.95!!!
I managed to match this pair of floral pants with a neon yellow sweater from J Crew
(Yes..JCrew has the loveliest shades for their cashmere sweaters.) Don't you think they match perfectly?

很喜歡這件在H&M買的花花褲..這件是這個月的主打商品 lookbook裡都看得到喔~穿起來好瘦好美好舒服喔♥
(重點是價格真的會嚇死人 不到四百台幣耶!)
一買這件褲子我就想到我衣櫥裡J Crew的亮鵝黃色毛衣(J crew的毛衣雖然都很簡單 但它的顏色真的都超口愛 別家都學不來的)
搭起來一點都不衝突 也不誇張...真的配合的天衣無縫阿(叉腰大笑...)
Ok, back to today's "theme"- Marni x H&M leather jacket. I can't help but want to wear it everyday!
I think it is the perfect jacket for both casual and formal looks =)

好了回到我今天主題,我真的好喜歡這件外套 不厚不薄剛剛好 很適合現在很春天的氣候..大概是怕紐約天氣再繼續好下去就穿不到,我已經連續穿了ㄧ個禮拜了哈哈。這件外套真的很時尚 有根上不同色塊or質料的流行喔~我個人是覺的不管是休閒還是正式都非常適合♥

I really enjoyed the photoshoot that day since the weather was incredibly NICE and SUNNY♥

Btw..I love my Rachel Zoe heels too. Awww..I'm in love with every piece I was wearing that day hahah=P
I hope you like them as much as I do!!!

還有我也很喜歡這雙Rachel Zoe的高根涼鞋,非常的有質感 尤其喜歡它腳踝那邊的金色金屬扣環。
                               (Marni for H&M 夾克/ H&M 褲子/ Rachel Zoe 高根涼鞋/ Balenciaga 手拿包/ J Crew 毛衣/ Vince Camuto 墨鏡)
                     (Marni for H&M jacket/ H&M floral pants / Rachel Zoe sandals/ Balenciaga clutch/ J Crew sweater/ Vince Camuto sunnies)
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Kisses & hugs


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