
How romantic is this! started snowing in the middle of the shoot!
超浪漫的...照衣照相就突然開始飛雪囉(但天氣可是很好的喔 哈哈)♥

Hi girlies I am incredibly sorry it took me FOREVER to write my post since I've been crazy busy, ugh.
I'm doing my best to update my Facebook page whenever I can...hopefully you'll enjoy the pics!
Well...what have I been up to??
I'm totally obsessed with photography now so I've been very dorky reading up on photography books and taking pix haha
Hopefully I can show you my works asap!!! =D
呵呵我都在幹麻呢?最近瘋狂迷上攝影...所以最近都很宅的窩在學校研究攝影 希望可以趕快分享我的作品。

I surprisingly found my aviator jacket in my wardrobe which I've had for over four years.
I know aviator jackets are not exactly the "in" trend right now...
it was popular during 2009/2010; but whatever- I'M NOT A BLIND FOLLOWER HAHA =P
For me, it will always remain a classic item to keep =)
Let's review those irresistible Burberry aviator jackets for a lil bit...awww♥
嗯哼..aviator jacket不是這季的key item沒錯拉(前ㄧ兩年已經大流行過囉)
但我本身也不是那種盲目追求流行的人 所以在我心目中飛行員外套還是很經典的喔♥
我們就來回顧一下超酷超經典的 2011 Burberry Prorsum系列吧

Hahaa..I love the Burberry ones but unfortunately I couldn't afford them so I found an adorable one in Korea which is amazingly comfy!!
The necklace is from Alex & Chloe for Forever 21 collection♥
哈哈雖然我買不起Burberry  但我在韓國找到這件超口愛又超舒服
項鏈已經在FB露臉過了 是Alex & Chloe for Forever 21非常帶有龐克味的飾品系列。

I was soooo thrilled that I finally could take out my new Zara wedge heels because the weather was so NICE!!!! Yayy
I def dig this pair of wedges since it's soooo CHEAP and comfy♥
今天紐約天氣終於放晴了 迫不及待的拿出買了好久的Zara涼鞋~真的很喜歡這雙 除了價錢口愛外也舒服的不得了。
The outfit is so ME..isn't it??? I always go for a very simple and boyish look  
Leggings & a white boyfriend tank top are the fav two items in my life!!!!
這真的是很Leah的打扮耶(笑) 簡單又輕鬆~人生真的是少不了leggings和白色寬鬆男孩風背心耶♥

(I am sorry for my crazyyy hair haha)

Hopefully you enjoy my post today!!!
Have a nice long weekend 祝大家都有個美好的長週末

Stay tuned..seeee you soooon!!!


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